Tucker has been found!

Posted 24/11/2017 | |  

Tucker found


We've had so many questions about the search for our missing dogs.  Here is a detailed play-by-play of Frankie and Tucker's adventure: Account of Lost Dogs, Frankie & Tucker


Late last evening/ the efforts of our amazing volunteers and a team of specialists aiding us, paid off. Tucker, the little scamp, was located and brought back into the shelter.

Thank you for having faith in us, sharing Tucker’s plight with your networks and aiding us in his recovery.

We are the voice for the animals in our care. Our voice was heard with one clear message conveyed: we will not give up on them.

Thank you for caring for Frankie and Tucker and most of all thank you for your help in what has been a trying time.

**If you see a poster please take it down and dispose of it properly. Thank you**


416-712-2880 should only be used to call in sightings of Tucker. If he is found we will be posting it here on our page. Sightings and exact locations will not be posted as this puts him at risk. Once he is found posters will come down.

Printable poster and handout can be found at the bottom of the page.


By now you may be aware we have found Frankie and she is safe and sound. We are grateful for your assistance and sightings. As you may also know Tucker is giving us quite a game of chase. Please DO NOT go out looking in bushes for him. We want and need him to settle down somewhere safe. If you do see him let us know immediately and please provide as much detail as possible about the sighting. Don't try to approach him. If he feels threatened he could bite but most definitely will run, neither of which we want him doing.



Have you seen me? I have become lost in an unfamiliar area. I am a new rescue. I am terrified of people. So please ignore me if you see me, so I don't run further.


If you see me please do not call out to me or whistle, please IGNORE and call 416-712-2880 ASAP and tell them when you saw me and which way I was traveling.


Please do not post sightings online

When calling in or texting sightings please provide the following information Name and Phone Number - Your name and phone number. We may need to call you back if the connection is lost. We may also need to request more information or confirm something in the area

  • Description - Does the dog have a collar on? Is does he look dirty? What color is he? He may be dirty now and darker in color.
  • Time of Day - What time of day was it? Was it am or pm?
  • Location - Please be as specific as possible including address / and or nearest intersection.
  • Direction of Travel / Behaviour - What was the dog doing? Running scared, sniffing, exploring? What direction was he traveling?
  • Similar Dogs the Area - Do you know if anybody in the immediate area has a dog that fits this description that you just gave me? Could it be their dog?

Thank you for your help.


Printable Poster/Handout

[maxbutton id="2" url="http://etobicokehumanesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Tucker-Poster-002-1.pdf" text="Print Poster" ]

 [pdf-embedder url="http://etobicokehumanesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Tucker-Poster-002-1.pdf"]


[maxbutton id="2" url="http://etobicokehumanesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/TUCKER-ETOBICOKE-handout-4x4.pdf" text="Print Handout" ]

[pdf-embedder url="http://etobicokehumanesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/TUCKER-ETOBICOKE-handout-4x4.pdf"]

Cat Drop In Visiting Hours

Weekdays| 10:30 am – 11:30 am & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Weekends | 2 pm – 6 pm

Dogs are by appointment only. Please fill out an application and an EHS representative will contact you.
Newsletter Signup
(416) 249-6100

67 Six Point Road
Toronto, Ontario | M8Z 2X3
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